My Journey

A personal development and business coach

I am Ada Egbufor

In Life, there are two kinds of people. Some have dreams, and others don’t. Those who have dreams know that there is more to Life and that their Life is for a purpose. They may not know what that purpose is or the potential they have in them that is waiting to be unleashed. They go about Life wondering, hoping, and dreaming. At some point, some give up in frustration.

Then some have yet to learn that Life has a mission for them. They float around clueless as Life happens to them.

I was one of those people who had dreams, but I needed more clarity of purpose, direction, and focus. I had a restlessness that I could not understand and a burning desire to do great things that would touch lives in unique ways. My hunger for success and more of Life persisted and reached a point where I could no longer ignore it or make excuses. The quest for knowledge was relentless. I studied law and practiced law for more than ten years. I was compelled into legal practice to be a voice for the voiceless. I am a politician for the same reason, and here we are for a reason that is not too different.

I have always found Life to be fascinating.

All my Life, I have wondered why some people are rich, and others aren’t. Why can some people accomplish so much in Life and look cool doing it while others can barely survive from one day to another?

I have worked as a journalist, teacher, lawyer, and entrepreneur. I have studied high achievers, intellectuals, and successful innovators. In the process, I discovered that we all can create the kind of Life we want, that nothing changes in our lives until we decide to make it happen, that greatness is exclusive only to those who do great things, and that this is all about choice. The choices we make in Life determine the direction and outcome of our Life. AND I SAID, WOW!

Nelson Mandela said it best. “I am the master of my fate and the captain of my soul.” This man was confronted with powerful foes and tremendous obstacles, yet he chose to take charge. As it turns out, I was right all along. Every human being on earth has the potential to live a great life. But what does it mean for me and others? Indeed, I can’t be the only one desiring more out of Life. Then it occurred to me that you can only give what you have. There began my quest for what I have to give to the world.

I have always been passionate about Life. Anything that uplifts people to a point where they feel a deep sense of worthiness has always been a source of joy to me.

I help people and businesses gain clarity in their purpose and confidence, understand their emotions, achieve goals and live to their most significant potential.

I work with people who are yet to figure out what their Life’s purpose is and those who do but can’t get started because of fear, lack of confidence, and God knows what else. I also work with entrepreneurs and businesses who need to get to the next level of their success journey, whatever that might mean to them. I Can Help You. Your past doesn’t matter.

As a transformational life coach, I help people get unstuck,  discover their Life’s mission, and unleash their potential to live the Life they are supposed to. I have a deep affection for the career woman who wears so many hats, shoulders many responsibilities, plus dealing with society’s expectations of her.

I offer private group coaching, private coaching, and training.

Personal consultation and collaboration are virtual. So, I can work with you regardless of where you are.

As a public speaker, I address conferences, seminars, and workshops on personal transformation, career development, entrepreneurship, and the most important thing there is Life. I would love to partner with you.

Thank you for taking the time to visit me. I look forward to a prosperous and enriching relationship with you.

I am sincerely yours,

Ada Egbufor

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